"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."
-1 Peter 4: 8-10.

June 10, 2012

Kate's Happiness Project

            I am currently reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  This book describes Gretchen’s journey to happiness.  She begins by explaining her current life and how she is not a sad, depressed person; rather, she lives an average life.  Each month she has goals that she fulfills in order to make her life fuller.  So I’ve decided to make my own Happiness Project for this summer.  I hope that it will help me to improve my attitude and mindset so that I can be a better volunteer and person.

Live in the now

This past school year, particularly at the end, I struggled to keep my mindset in the present moment.  I constantly found myself daydreaming about being in Florida for the summer or Washington and Lee University in the fall.  Furthermore, I became unmotivated in school and athletics.  I just did not care anymore about what was happening in the present because it would not alter my future.  I did not realize my mindset until after a softball game I told my parents that I was really disappointed with the season I was having.  Their response shocked me.  Rather than comforting me and telling me that it was just a slump, they said the honest truth.  I had not worked hard this year so consequently I should not expect to do well.  They were right, I was not focused on the now – softball season.  If I would have been in the present, I would have been able to have a much more fulfilling senior season, rather than ending in disappointment.  So for this summer I hope to live in the now, not the later.

Be Friendlier

            I often struggle with being friendly.  For example, when walking in the hall during high school I would only say hello as a response to the people that said hello to me first.  Looking back, I really regret that I did not reach out to others by saying a simple, easy greeting.  It especially hit me during graduation when I only knew about half of my class.  Why did I not know more?  The answer was simple, I had not put myself out there to get to know others.  In the future I plan on making myself initiate conversation with those surrounding me. 

Actually Do Yoga

            This winter for about three weeks I did yoga twice a week.  It was a great source of exercise and it also relaxed and stretched my body.   Yoga outfits are really cute, so that was an added bonus!  In the future I would like to take up Yoga permanently.  Realistically, I know that I won’t do it everyday, nor will I spend more than an hour on it, but I would like to do it regularly.  In the future, this would help to reduce my stress while also remaining fit.
Share Love

            Certain people have an aura about them that puts others at ease.  When they are around everyone feels comfortable and confident.  For example, one of my friends has a sister that is quite a bit older than us.  I bump into her sparingly, but every time I see her she is in a good mood as well as everyone she came in contact with.  She genuinely conveys kindness to all that surround her.  I think that those people have a God given gift, but I would like to try to be kinder to people I come in contact with.  This includes people that I will never see again, like cashiers at the grocery store, waiters at restaurants or just a stranger I’m sitting next to on a bus or plane.  In other words, I would like to share love with all those surrounding me. 

Read Devotionals

            Last summer my mom purchased a devotional for me, Voices of the Faithful.  Each day is only a page long and consists of a scripture verse, a lesson written by a missionary and a prayer.  Reading stories from missionaries in the field has been powerful and shows how God’s love can reach so many places.  During the last quarter of my senior year I stopped reading it.  I got out of the routine and never got back.  At graduation I received two additional devotions and really like both of them.  So I’ve decided that this summer I’m going to read all three at the same time.  Each book has a page long devotional per day, so every day I only have to read a total of three pages.  By doing this I hope to strengthen my faith by gaining three different perspectives. 

Remind Others That I Care About Them

            Being away for eight weeks makes staying in contact with family and friends challenging.  I can call, facetime, skype, facebook or text but not actually seeing or being around people I love is hard.  So this summer I need to be creative in how I stay in touch with others.  Furthermore, I need to remind my family and friends that I care about them even though I’m not around.  I have not come up with any new ideas, but hopefully I will soon.  In the meantime boring means of communication will just have to do.